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- Dr Suzanne Robertson-Malt
Dr Suzanne Robertson-Malt is Associate Professor at the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) and is the Discipline Leader for the Bachelor of Nursing (Bridging) and the Master of Nursing programs. She has a keen interest in Leadership, Clinical Research, Evidence Implementation and Shared Governance.
Dr Robertson-Malt is an advocate of the ‘flipped classroom/learning’ pedagogy proposed by Flipped Learning Network (FLN) that is defined by four principles: Flexible Environment, Learning Culture, Intentional Content and Professional Educator.
Prior to joining UOWD, Dr Suzanne was the Executive Director, Clinical Excellence & Research – Cleveland Clinic in Abu Dhabi.
Dr Robertson-Malt has a successful track record as an industry specialist with a work history that includes both senior position in Clinical and Academic environments, such as Director of Implementation Science, Joanna Briggs Institute, University Adelaide; Director of Nursing Practice & Research and Clinical Director of the Heart Institute at the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia and Clinical Manager, Coronary Care Unit – John Flynn Private Hospital, Gold Coast, Australia.
Dr Robertson-Malt obtained her PhD from the University of Adelaide, Australia with a National Medical & Research Council scholarship studying the social, ethical and professional impact of ‘Organ Donation and Transplantation’.
- PhD (Faculty of Medicine), University of Adelaide, Australia;
- BHSc (Class 1 Honours) and Faculty Medal, New England University;
- Leadership in Healthcare Education, Harvard Macy Institute, Harvard University;
- Graduate Certificate in Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Nursing, NSW College of Nursing;
- Graduate Certificate in Cardiac Nursing, Prince Charles Hospital, Brisbane, QLD.
Publications include but not limited to:
- Robertson-Malt S, Gaddhi F & Hamilton A. 2020. Learning Huddles: An Innovative Teaching Method. Nurse Education in Practice.
- Robertson-Malt S & Norton-Westwood D. 2020. Therapeutic Communication in Birks, M et.al (eds) Professional and Therapeutic Communication (2nd Ed). Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
- Al-Yateem N, Griffiths J, Robertson-Malt S, Kuzemski D, Anthony J, Fielding M, Al Khatib F, Sojka E, Williams J, 2019. A National Scoping Study on Barriers to Conducting and Using Research among Nurses in the United Arab Emirates. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice.
- Robertson-Malt S, Norton-Westwood D, 2018. Frameworks of Care. International Journal of Evidence Based Healthcare. September 2017, Vol.15(3), pp.82-89.
- Kitson A, Robertson-Malt S, Conroy T, 2012. Identifying the Fundamentals of Care within Cochrane Systematic Reviews: The role of the Cochrane Nursing Care Field- Fundamentals of Care. IJNP. 2012.
- Miller-Rosser, K., Robertson-Malt, S., Chapman, Y. and Francis, K. 2009, Analysing oral history: A new approach when linking method to methodology. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 15: 475–480.
- Robertson-Malt S. 1998. Listening to Them and Reading Me: A Hermeneutic Approach to Understanding the Experience of Illness. Journal of Advanced Practice. 29:2; 290-297.
- Robertson-Malt S. 1998. Tolerance in Ambiguity: Supporting the Donor Family. Nursing Inquiry. 5:3; 194- 196
Her current research interests include Governance structures that enable/ stimulate clinical excellence; Mindfulness as a prevention strategy for ‘Burnout’ in healthcare professionals; Compassion Based Resilience skill development and the Fundamentals of Care.
Her research interests have resulted in her being actively involved in both national & international committees and consortiums such as JBI Global Collaborating Centres; The Cochrane Collaboration; The Global Consortium for Nursing & Midwifery; Caring Futures Institute/ Fundamentals of Care Network.
Research Grants: range from small internal organisational to large collaborative national and international competitive grants with outcomes being reported in peer review publications, key note presentations and a variety of media platforms such as Podcasts and Public Radio – all of which are publicly available for further review.
Understanding Resilience in Healthcare Professionals Working in UAE: 2019-2021
Co-Principle Investigator
UOWD Internal Research Grant—25,000
Centre of Research Excellence- Indigenous Health: 2013 – 2017
Co-Principle Investigator
National Health & Medical Research Council – 2.2 million / annum
Systematic Reviews - Non-communicable Disease- related disability: implications for policy and practice:
2012 – 2015
Co-Principle Investigator
World Health Organization 100,000/ annum
Dr Robertson-Malt’s professional contributions include the Chair of the Evidence Implementation Committee – JBI Institute of Evidence Based Healthcare;
Inaugural member of the Steering Committee for Cochrane Collaboration’s NursingNetwork and the inaugural Managing Editor – Bloomsbury’s Qscience publication: Avicenna;
The Research & EBP Sub Council and Leadership Council of the UAE Nursing & Midwifery Council. Inaugural membership of Healthcare Chapter for the Charter of Compassion;
- Effective Leadership in Healthcare
- Legal & Professional Issues in Healthcare
- Promoting Clinical Excellence
- Tools for Practice Development
- Essential Skills for Healthcare Researchers
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