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- Prof Balan Sundarakani
Prof Sundarakani has been a full professor in supply chain management in the School of Business at the University of Wollongong in Dubai (UOWD) since Jan 2024. Prior to this role, he was serving as an Associate Professor (Sep 2011- Dec 2023) and Assistant Professor (May 2009 – Aug 2011) at the UOWD. He has held various administrative roles at UOWD, including the MSCM Program Director for over eight years, Discipline Leader for two years, HDR Thesis Examination Committee, University Promotion Committee member, Research Committee member, and many others. He earned a B.Engg (Distinction) in Mechanical Engineering from M.S University and an M.Engg (High Distinction) in Industrial Engineering from the National Institute of Technology-Tiruchirappalli, a PhD in Supply Chain Management from the Indian Institute of Technology-Roorkee, India and a Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship from the Logistics Institute Asia Pacific, NUS Singapore.
Winner of the “Research Excellence Award” a total of 5 times for his research performance at UOWD in 2010, 2012, 2021 and 2022 and also won the UOW Global Excellence in Research Award in 2023, making Prof Sundarakani the top research excellence award winner, of the University. Other notable awards include the ‘Highly commended’ “Teaching Excellence Award” from UOWD in 2015, Literati Award Winner (2020) - Journal of Modelling in Management, Emerald Publishing (UK), the ‘Best Paper Award’ from IEOM, Bali, Indonesia in 2014, the RTA Appreciation (2012) from the Government of Dubai for sustainable transport strategies, Best Educator Award (2010) from ITP Middle East, ‘Gold medal for Best Case Study’ from IIIE in 2010 and, the prestigious A*Star Fellowship (2006) Singapore, MHRD Fellowship (2003) India, University Rank (2000) and College First Rank (1997-2000) India.
Prof Sundarakani’s teaching style involves Blended Learning and industry practice-engaged teaching. He has successfully taught the Analytical, Operational and Supply Chain Management Modelling subjects with deep critical analysis and high academic engagement using relevant logistics industry cases and live demonstrations. Prof. Sundarakani has been teaching subjects that fall into programs like Master of SCM, MBUS, MEM, GEMLUX, PhD and almost all subjects of the Master of SCM program with exceeding teaching evaluation scores.
He has 22 years of teaching and research experience in the area of Supply Chain Management across various universities, including the National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tiruchirappalli, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Roorkee, Hindustan University, Chennai and the National University of Singapore (NUS), Singapore and the Chair of Logistics Management in Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Post Doctoral Fellowship (PDF), The Logistics Asia Pacific, Established by the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA)
- PhD in Supply Chain Management (9.5/10), Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
- Master of Industrial Engineering (High Distinction) National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
- Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (Distinction) M.S University
- Graduate Certificate, Curriculum Design and Assessment, Swinburne University of Technology, Victoria, Australia (Pursuing)
[Refereed Journals: 55, Refereed Conferences: 53, Book Chapters: 17, White Papers/Periodicals: 7, Industry Reports: 4, Book Review: 3. Book :1, Total: 141]
Journal Publications include but are not limited to:
- Sharma, R., Wahbeh, S., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I., & Pachayappan, M. (2024). Enhancing domestic food supply in the UAE: A framework for technology-driven urban farming systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 139823. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139823 (Impact factor: 11.01) (Rank: Q1) (ABDC: A)
- Ammar, K.A., Kheir, M, S., Ali, B., Sundarakani, B., Manikas I. (2023) Developing an analytical framework for estimating food security indicators in the United Arab Emirates: A review, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Springer Nature, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03032-3 (Impact factor: 4.08) (Rank: Q1)
- Sundarakani, B., Rajamani, H-S. and Madmoune, A. (2023), Sustainability study of electric vehicles performance in the UAE: moderated by blockchain, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/BIJ-11-2020-0574 (Impact Factor: 5.6) (ABDC: B) (Rank: Q1)
- Pachayappan, M, and Sundarakani, B. (2023), Drone Delivery Logistics Model for On-Demand Hyperlocal Market, International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, Taylor and Francis, (Impact Factor: 5.992) (Rank: Q1)
- Aljadiri, R., Sundarakani, B., & El Barachi, M. (2023). Evaluating the Impact of COVID-19 on Multimodal Cargo Transport Performance: A Mixed-Method Study in the UAE Context. Sustainability, 15 (22), 15703. (Impact Factor: 3.9) (Rank: Q1)
- Wahbeh S, Anastasiadis F., Sundarakani B, Manikas I. (2022) Exploration of Food Security Challenges towards More Sustainable Food Production: A Systematic Literature Review of the Major Drivers and Policies. Foods. 2022; 11(23):3804. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11233804 (Impact Factor: 5.561) (Rank: Q1)
- Manikas, I, Sundarakani, B., Shehabeldin.M, (2022), Big data utilisation and its effect on supply chain resilience in Emirati companies, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Taylor and Francis, published https://doi.org/10.1080/13675567.2022.2052825 (Impact Factor: 5.992) (Rank: Q1)
- Manikas, I. , Sundarakani, B., Anastasiadis, F., and Ali. B., (2022), A Framework for Food Security via Resilient Agri-Food Supply Chains: The Case of UAE, Sustainability, Vol 14, No. 10: 6375. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14106375 (Impact Factor: 3.251) (Rank: Q1)
- Ben Yahya., T., Mohd Jamal, N.. Sundarakani, B., Zaleha Omain, S., (2022) The potential determinants for smartphone recycling behaviour sustainability, Sustainability, 14(4), 2282; https://doi.org/10.3390/su14042282 (Impact Factor: 3.251) (Rank: Q1)
- Sundarakani, B., Aneesh, V., and Gunasekaran, A, (2021) Big Data-driven Supply Chain Architecture Design and Application for Block Chain in Industry 4.0, Omega: The International Journal of Management Science, Elsevier, Vol.102 (Impact Factor: 7.084) published: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.omega.2021.102452 (ABDC: A*)
- Sundarakani, B. and Madmoune, A. (2021), Integrated Supply Chain Sustainability for Mega Events: An Empirical Study of Dubai Expo 2020, Event Management: An International Journal, Vol.25, Issue ahead-of-print (Impact Factor: 1.16) (ABDC: A)
- Sundarakani, B., Pereira, V. and Ishizaka, A., (2021) Robust Facility Location Decisions for Resilient Sustainable Supply Chain Performance in the Face of Disruptions, International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 32 No. 2, pp. 357-385. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJLM-12-2019-0333 (Impact Factor: 7.661) (ABDC: A)
- Yahya, T. B., Jamal, N.M., Sundarakani, B., and Omain, S.Z., (2021) Factors Affecting Mobile Waste Recycling through RSCM: A Literature Review, Recycling Journal, MDPI, 6(2), pp.30, https://doi.org/10.3390/recycling6020030 (Impact Factor: 4.3) (Rank: Q2)
- Albishri, D, Sundarakani, B., Gomisek, B., (2020), An Empirical Study of Relationships between Goal Alignment, Centralised Decision Making, Commitment to Networking and Supply Chain Effectiveness Using Structural Equation Modelling, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Taylor and Francis, Vol.23, Issue 4, pp.390-415 (Impact Factor: 5.992) (ABDC: B)
- Younis, H., Sundarakani, B., (2020) The Impact of firm size, firm age and environmental management certification on the relationship between green supply chain practices and corporate performance, Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald Publications., Vol. 27 No. 1, pp. 319-346. (Impact Factor: 3.93) (ABDC: B)
- Abu-Salim, T., Sundarakani, B. and Lasrado, F., (2019) A Relationship between TQM practices and organisational innovation outcomes: moderating and mediating role of slack, The TQM Journal, Emerald Publications, Vol. 31 No. 6, pp. 874-907. (Impact Factor: 3.25) (ABDC: B)
- Ioannis, M., Sundarakani. B. and Iakimenko, V., (2019) Time-based responsive logistics for a maintenance service network: A case study of an automated teller manufacturer, Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, Emerald Publications, Vol. 25 No. 4, pp. 589-611, (Impact Factor: 1.21) (ABDC: B)
- Sundarakani, B, Abdul Razzak, H., Manikandan. S. (2018) Creating competitive advantage in the global catering supply chain: a case study of flight catering, International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, Taylor and Francis, Vol.21, Issue 5, pp.481-501¸ (Impact Factor: 5.992) (ABDC: B)
- De Souza, R., Mark Goh, Sundarakani, B., Wong T, W., Wu Yong, Keith Toh, (2011) Return on Investment Calculator for RFID Ecosystem of High Tech Company, Computers In Industry: An International Journal, Elsevier Science, Vol 62, Issues 8-9, October-December 2011, pp. 820-829. (Impact Factor: 10) (ABS: 3)
- Sundarakani, B., R. De Souza, M. Goh, Wagner, S and Manikandan, S. (2010), Modelling Carbon Footprints across the Supply Chain, International Journal of Production Economics, Elsevier Science, Vol. 128, pp. 43–50. (Impact Factor: 7.885) (ABDC: A*)
Book Chapters
Book chapter Publications include but are not limited to:
- Manikandan, S., Sundarakani, B. and Pereira, V. (2021) Skill development: Role of Industry-Academia dyadic collaboration for sustaining the construction supply chain in Rural India, Book, Chahal, H., Periera, V, and Jyoti, J., (eds), Sustainable Business Practices for Rural Development - The Role of Intellectual Capital, In Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, ISBN-13: 978-9811392979, pp.27-40
- Balasubramanian, S. and Sundarakani, B., (2020), Assessing the Green Supply Chain Ecosystem of Construction Industry Supply Chain in the UAE, Book title: Green Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-7915-1.Ch. 064, IGI Global, USA, ISBN 9781522506362, Chapter 64, pp.1306-1327. (Reprinted by the publisher as selected best paper in Green Business)
- Balasubramanian, S. and Sundarakani, B., (2019), Assessing the Green Supply Chain Ecosystem of Construction Industry Supply Chain in the UAE, Book title: Green Supply Chain Management for Sustainable Business Practice, Book eds., Mehmood Khan, IGI Global, USA, ISBN 9781522506362, DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0635-5.ch004, Chapter 4, pp.83-108
- Manikandan, S and Sundarakani, B., (2018) SUN rises from RANBAXY: Supply chain strategy of an Indian pharmaceutical company, Book eds Sikdar, A. and Perera, V., entitled Business and Management Practices in South Asia: A Collection of Case Studies, Palgrave Macmillan, UK. ISBN 978-981-13-1398-1, pp. 259-279.
- Sundarakani, B., Akvan, S and Jasser, L., (2017), Operations Strategy and Strategy Transformation at Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) Balakrishnan, M.S., Immanuel and Michael, I. Eds., Actions and Insights: Business Cases from UAE, UAE public policy perspectives, Emerald Publishing Limited, Howard House, UK. ISBN: 9781787147157, pp. 191-210.
- Sundarakani, B. (2017) Emirates Airline operations – globalisation effect: A case study, Book edited by Jose Arturo Garza-Reyes, Vikas Kumar, Juan Luis Martinez-Covarrubias, Ming K. Lim, “Managing Innovation and Operations in the 21st Century”, CRC and Taylor & Francis Press, Taylor & Francis Ltd, FL, USA. ISBN: 9781138214729, pp. 71-76.
- Manikandan, S and Sundarakani, B., (2015) Ranbaxy’s Market Entry Strategy: An Indian Pharmaceutical Industry In United Arab Emirates, to appear in the textbook “Strategic Marketing: Creating Competitive Advantage” by Doug West, John Ford and Essam Ibrahim to be published by Oxford University Press, 3rd Edition., USA, ISBN: 978-0-19-968409-0
- Sundarakani, S., De Souza, R. and Goh, M., (2012), A Case Study of Singapore’s Automotive Supply Chain: Preliminary Analysis and Findings, Book Title: Cases on Supply Chain and Distribution Management: Issues and Principles, Book eds, Garg, M and Gupta, S., M. IGI Global, USA, pp. 200-253.
- Mohammed Hussein, Sundarakani, B. (2011), Using Information Technology for more Effective Supply Chain Management: Insights from the UAE, Standard Chartered Book on Maximising Business Opportunities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East, PPP Publishers, Hong Kong, Edited by Kerry. N., pp.191-198
- Sundarakani, B., de Souza, R., Goh, M., van Over, D. and Manikandan, S. (2010), Sustainable Supply Chain in Globally Integrated Networks, Springer Book “Enterprise Networks and Logistics for Agile Manufacturing” Lihui Wang and S. C. Lenny Koh, ISBN: 978-1-84996-243-8, pp. 191-205
- Sundarakani, B. (2010), Economic Zone World (EZW) Supply Chain Strategy, Balakrishnan, M.S., Jayashree, P. and Michael, I. Eds., Actions and Insights: Business Cases from UAE, Emerald Publishing: UK.,ISBN: 9780857243157
- Miti, G., Sumeet, G., Robert, D, S., Goh, Mark, G., Sundarakani, B., (2009) Chapter XIII: Sustaining The Green Information Technology Movement, Always-On Enterprise Information Systems for Business Continuance: Technologies for Reliable and Scalable Operations, IGI Global, Book edited by Dr Nijaz Bajgoric, ISBN: 978-1-60566-723-2, PP. 218-231
Refereed International Conferences:
Peer-reviewed reputed conference publications include but are not limited to:
- Aldhaheri, M., Sharma, R., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I. (2023) An investigation of the effect of supply chain digitalisation and sustainability on food security through improved forecasting capabilities, IEEE International Conference on Technology Management, Operations and Decisions (IEEE ICTMOD) IEEE ICTMOD 2023, Presented at INPT Rabat and Africa Business School (UM6P Rabat) Morocco, Nov 22-25, 2023.
- Sharma, R., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I. (2022), Role of blockchain in ensuring food security in the UAE, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) International Conference, organised by the Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode on December 21-23, 2022
- Sharma, R., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I. (2022), Role of Artificial Intelligence Capabilities to Enhance Food Security: A Conceptual Framework, 6Th International Conference on Food and Wine Supply Chain (FWSCC2022), organised by the University of Bologna, on June 7-10, 2022.
- Wahbeh, S., Kavananchery, L., Sundarakani, B., Manikas, I. (2022), Resource-efficient symbiotic solutions for urban food production systems, 6Th International Conference on Food and Wine Supply Chain (FWSCC2022), organised by the University of Bologna, in June 7-10, 2022, https://amsacta.unibo.it/
- Manikas, I and Sundarakani, B (2021), Resilient Agrifood Dynamism through evidence-based policies- READY; the project has been presented at the UOWGE Global Collaborate Conference in October 2021.
- Bergi, H., Kamarudeen, N. and Sundarakani, B., (2021) Frugal Innovation: Contact-less last mile delivery as Résilient business model, Published in the proceedings of 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Singapore, March 7 - 11, 2021
- Benyahya, T., Mohd Jamal, N., Sundarakani, B., Zaleha, S., (2020) Factors Influencing Intention of Mobile Users Participating in Reverse Supply Chain Management in the UAE, 32nd Annual NOFOMA 2020 (The Nordic Logistics Research Network) conference, held on 17 and 18 September. Norway
- Kamarudeen, N. Sundarakani, B. (2019) Business and supply chain strategy of flying above the dessert: a case study of Emirates Airlines, 9th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management, Vietnam, Dec. 2019, Published in the Proceedings. ISBN: 9786027060470
- Al-Memari, M., Sundarakani, B. and Gomisek, G., (2019), Direct and Indirect Effect of Procurement Performance in the UAE Healthcare Sector, Accepted for the proceedings of 26th Annual EUROMA conference, 15-19 June 2019, Arkadiankatu 22, 0100 Helsinki, Finland
- Kamarudeen, N. Sundarakani, B. and Nabhan, M. (2018), Study of Service Operations of Metro: Action research embedded with the case study, Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Paris, France, July 26-27
- Sundarakani, B., and Ajaykumar, A. (2018), Big Data Driven Supply Chain Architecture Design for Operational Excellence, Published in the proceedings of 25th Annual EUROMA conference, 23-25 July 2018, Budapest, Hungary.
- John, J., Manikas, I. and Sundarakani, B. (2018), Analysis of operational efficiency of a meat processing supply chain, 27th International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association (IPSERA) conference held in Athens, Purchasing and supply chain management Innovation, Greece, March 25-28th 2018, Selected best paper for Agricultural Economics Review Journal.
- Sundarakani, B., (2017), Study of Safety aspects in handling Hazardous material transportation in the Middle East, 22nd ISL, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9th – 12th July 2017, Published in the proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Logistics, ISBN: 9780853583196, pp. 451-458
- Manikandan, S. and Sundarakani, B., (2017), Skill developments: the role of Industry-Academia dyadic collaboration applicable to the construction supply chain in the UAE, 22nd ISL, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9th – 12th July 2017, Poster presentation after peer review.
- Al Seyagh, N. and Sundarakani, B. (2017) Conceptual framework to diversification mechanism, Doctoral colloquium conducted by the Faculty of Business, University of Wollongong in Dubai., May 2017
- Al Seyagh, N. and Sundarakani, B., (2016), Developing a framework for the Diversification Mechanism and Financial Liquidity of the Construction Firms in the UAE, 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy, Vienna University of Economics and Business, December 2-4, 2016
- Sundarakani, B., (2016), Designing A Framework and Research Model For The Logistics Service Providers Innovation And Adoption, 21st ISL, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 3 – 6th July 2016, Published in the proceedings of 21st International Symposium on Logistics, ISBN: 13 9780853583172
- Sundarakani, B. (2015), 'How would a proactive supply chain alignment prevent diabesity', POMS 26th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 2015, https://www.pomsmeetings.org/ConfProceedings/060/Index.htm
- Sundarakani, B. (2015), 'An innovative Active RFID Embedded tracking for Air Passenger Cargo Movement', POMS 26th Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 2015, https://www.pomsmeetings.org/ConfProceedings/060/Index.htm
- Behzadi, G. and Sundarakani, B., (2014), Practical ABC intelligence solution for Quadratic Assignment, 4th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (IEOM), Bali, Indonesia, Jan 7-9, 2014 (Fetched best paper award)
- Sikdar, A., Jayashree, P. & Sundarakani, B. (2014), Organizational learning within supply-chain networks: a proposed conceptual model, Academy of World Business, Marketing and Management Development (AWBMAMD) Conference, The Academy of World Business, Marketing, and Management Development, Perth, Australia, pp. 122-131.
- Sundarakani, B. and Behzadi, G., (2013) A conceptual research design of the Logistics Service Providers innovation mechanism in the Gulf region, INFORMS Annual Meeting 2013, Minneapolis Convention Center, USA, October 6–9, 2013
- Sundarakani, B. (2013), Skill development on material handling decisions: Role of academic institutions, Warehousing and Materials Handling Conference, Dubai World Trade Centre, September 11, 2013
- Al Sayegh, N., Sundarakani, B., Abdel Moniem, A., (2012) A Critical Review of Diversification Theoretical Perspectives and its Impact on Performance, Academy of International Business MENA Chapter Conference, in Dubai, January 13-15, 2012, Published in the proceedings.
- Sundarakani, S., Sikdar, A., Subramaminam, S. and Wagner, (2011), Greening the Construction Industry Supply Chain Using System Dynamics Approach, EUROMA 2011 conference, July 3-6, Cambridge University, UK., Published in the conference proceedings.
- Sundarakani, B., (2011), Greening the Supply Chain: A Cross-Functional Approach, Green Transportation and Logistics Conference, 23-24 February 2011, Organised by Zayed University Dubai Campus and Ministry of Environment, UAE., February 23 and 24, 2011, (Invited speaker and chair)
- Younis, H. and Sundarakani, B. (2011) How UAE is positioned on the Humanitarian Logistics map, 2nd Annual POMS HK Conference, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Jan 6-7.
Prof Sundarakani’s research areas involve investigating the contemporary supply chain issues that are challenging logistics industry at present.
Research Grants
- Resilient Agrifood Dynamism through evidence-based policies
March 2020 – ongoing
Ministry of Education, the UAE Grant - AED 7,100,000, in Partnership with the Dubai Municipality, the UAE University, and the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture - Sustainable Value Chain for Expo2020 – Closing the Loop in Expo 2020 Operations
Jan 2020 – ongoing,
EXPO 2020, Sustainability Pavilion - Innovative Schemes for Promoting Distributed Renewable Resources and Electrical Vehicles in Future and Smart grids
March 2018 – Dec 2020, Status: Completed
UOW Australia and UOWD Global Research Grant - A$. 20,000 - Resource efficient symbiotic solutions for urban food production systems
Feb 2018 – Dec 2021,
UOWD Research Grant - AED 25,000, Status: Completed - Scale-up Urban Farming for City Resilience and Sustainability.
July 2017 – June 2019
UOWD Research Grant – AED 15,000 Status: Completed - Organizational Learning Within Supply Chain Networks,
UOWD Research Grant, Dubai; Amount: AED. 15,000; Year: March 2013 (Completed) - Greening the construction industry supply chain in UAE: Modeling the carbon footprint,
UOWD Industry Linkage Grant, Dubai; Amount: AED. 10,000; Year: 2009-2010 (Completed) - Innovation Dynamics and Green Supply Chain Project;
Client: Neptune Orient Lines (NOL) Shipping company, Singapore; Amount: S$0.25 million, Year: 2008-2009, (Completed) - Co-evolution study of trade and logistics using system dynamics approach;
Client: IBM, Singapore; Amount: S$750,000; Year: 2007 Duration: 6 Months, (Completed) - Warehouse Inventory model assessment and validation;
Client: DHL, Singapore; Amount: S$50,000, Year: 2007-2008, Duration: 3 Months, (Completed) - Dynamic analysis of Asia Pacific Automotive Supply Chain;
Client: Economic Development Board (EDB), Singapore; Amount: S$1.5 million; Year: 2006-2007, Duration: 1 Year, (Completed)
Higher Degree Research [HDR] Supervision Experience:
PhD/DBA Level (6 Graduated, 1-Submitted and 3 - ongoing)
- Dr Mohamed Hassan Younis, (UOWD), (Feb 2011 – Nov 2016, Graduated)
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Barry O’Mahony and Dr Prakash Vel (UOWD)
Research Topic: Investigating the Impact of Green Supply Chain on Corporate Performance - Dr Albhisri Dalal, (UOWD), (Jan 2011 – Dec 2018, Graduated)
Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Boštjan Gomišček (UOWD)
Research Topic: Impact of goals alignment, organisational network and decision making on supply chain effectiveness: An MSEM approach - Dr Mohamed Shahrin Osman, (UOWD), (Jan 2012 – Dec 2019) – Graduated
Co-Supervisor: Prof Valerie Lindsay (AUS), Prof. Reve Torger, Norway
Topic: Determinants of HQ location decision in maritime clusters - Dr Sushmera Manikandan, (SBS), (Feb 2016-Dec 2021) – Graduated with supervisor: Dr Beenu Mago
Research Topic: Impact of Agile, Sustainability and Cultural Dimensions on Performance Measures Of Third-Party Logistics Providers
Organizations In The United Arab Emirates - Al Seyagh Nehal, PhD student (UOWD), (Jan 2016 - 2023) Thesis Submitted
Research Topic: An Investigation into the Diversification Mechanism and Financial Liquidity of Construction Firms in the UAE - Dr Taher Hussain Ali Ben Yayha, PhD (UTM), (Jan 2019 - 2022) Graduated
Co-Supervisor: DR Noriza Mohd Jamal
Research Topic: Factors influencing mobile phone return in the reverse supply chain management in the UAE - Sabreen Wahbeh, PhD student (UOWD), (Jan 2021 -) Ongoing
Co-Supervisor: Dr Ioannis Manikas
Research Topic: Investigation of drivers and trends for Food Security and Value Chain Resilience in the UAE - Maha AlDhaheri, PhD student (UOWD), (Jan 2021 -) Ongoing
Co-Supervisor: Dr Ioannis Manikas
Research Topic: Design of Early Warning Systems for Food Supply Chain Resilience - Kehinde Ganiyat Lawal, PhD student (UAE University), (Jan 2022 -) Ongoing
Co-Supervisor: Prof Sajid Maqsood
Research Topic: Utilization of date seed components in improving the functionality of edible food packaging materials
Research Fellow or Post-Doctoral Research Fellow [PDF] supervision experience
- Dr Lu Qing, NUS, 2008-2009
- Dr Sreejith Balasubramanian, UOWD 2010-2011
- Dr Golnar Behzadi, UOWD, 2013-2015
- Dr Rukshanda Kamran, UOWD, 2017-2018
- Dr Foivos Anastasiadis, UOWD, 2020 -2021
- Dr Ahmed, ICBA 2021-2022
- Dr Beshir Ali, UOWD, 2020-2023
- Dr Rohit Sharma, UOWD 2022-2024
- Dr Nilu Sivaprakasham (UAE Uni), 2023-2024
- Dr Tolero (ICBA), 2023-2024
Prof Sundarakani served as a TEC member for over 15 HDR degrees at UOWD and has examined 8 PhD theses from various Universities worldwide.
Prof Sundarakani is a member of the AIB (USA), ORSI (India), POMS (USA), EuROMA (UK) and INFORMS (USA). Some of his current major scholarly affiliations are;
- Regional Editor (MEA – India), International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications, ABDC Rank – B, Rank Q1, Impact Factor 6.6, Taylor and Francis, UK, May 2020 - Present
- Senior Editor, Operations and Supply Chain Area, Cogent Business & Management Journal, Taylor and Francis Group, ABS Rank – 1, Impact Factor 3.0, Scimago Rank – Q2, Feb 2018 - Present
- Editor- Supply Chain Management Area, Sage Open- A peer-reviewed Open Access journal, Sage Publications, Scimago Rank – Q2, Aug 2019 – Present
- Senior Editor, Operations Management, FIIB Business Review, Sage Publications, ABDC: C, ABS Rank – 1, Impact Factor 2.0, Sep 2019 – Present
- Executive Committee member, Supply Chain Logistics Group, SCLG Middle East in Dubai. Jan 2011 – Present
- Executive Committee member, Supply Chain Asia, Singapore, Jan 2010 – Dec 2020
- Jury member for Logistics Middle East, ITC, to evaluate various logistics industries and their performances conducted by Leaders in Logistics program, 2015-2023
- External Review Team (ERT) member, Organised by the Commission of Academic Accreditation (CAA) under the Ministry of Education, UAE, for reviewing academic programs of other higher education Institutions and Universities of UAE, 2023-2024
Prof Sundarakani has previously served on the editorial board of the Journal of Advances in Management Research (Emerald Publications) and the International Journal of Agile Systems and Management (Inderscience Publications). He also regularly reviews the JOM, IJPR, IJPE, JBL and SCM Journals. Thus far, he has edited over 110 articles and peer-reviewed over 125 articles, evidenced and verified by Web of Science.
- Supply Chain Management
- Logistics Systems Management
- Luxury Distribution Management
- Advanced Supply Chain Management
- Supply Chain Analytics
- Applied Data Analysis*
- Current Issues in Business*
- Business Research Project**
- Operations Management
*Doctoral subject
**Master subject

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